Domain Expertise Experts in multiple Lines of businsses Industrial automation expertise in Pharmaceutical and Bio-Technology, Dairy & Beverages, Vegetable Oil, Brewery, Distillery, and Others. Pharmaceutical and Bio-Technology Batch Process SystemsFermentationBioreactorsMedia/Buffer SystemsSolvent (Storage, Dispensing & Recovery)CentrifugeFormulation, Blending, Mixing & GranulationFiltrationBio-KillWeighing & DispensingCIP & SIP Dairy & Beverages Raw Milk HandlingMilk ProcessingPasteurizationSeparatorSterilizer, Dryer & EvaporatorBatching SystemsSugar Dissolving SystemsCIP & SIP Vegetable Oil PreparatorySolvent ExtractionDeodorization and BleacherDry- FractionationCrystallization and Filter PressHydrogenationSeparatorTank Farm Brewery Raw Material HandlingBrewhouse ( Mash, Wort, LT, Whirlpool, Mash Filter)FermentationYeast HandlingFiltration & BBTBrewhouse CIP & Cellar CIP Distillery LiquefactionFermentationDistillationEvaporationMSDH (Ethanol) Added Solutions IIOT (Industry 4.0) Smart Factory Solutions Utility (HVAC & BMS) Power and Energy Monitoring Centralized Process data collection, Monitoring and Reporting Centralized audit trail, Time Synchronization Centralized Data Backup Management 21 CFR Part 11 Validation & Documentation Up-gradation and Migration of legacy systems (PLC & SCADA) Virtualization We deliver what we promise Our domain and technical expertise allows us to build innovative solutions to meet customer expectations and many times aspirations too. Contact us